Welcome to our parish website
We hope you will be able to access
the information you need;
if not, do please, email or telephone us.
Our parish website is updated weekly.
Please, read our current Newsletter
at the bottom of this page.
First Reconciliation and
Holy Communion Programme
Our parish is organising First Reconciliation
and Holy Communion preparation
for Catholic children from the parish
who are currently in Year 3 or older.
Registration form is available at the back
of the church or you can download it here.
Please bring the application form to the
parish office, hand it to one of the priests
in the parish or email your form back to
dulwichfhc@rcaos.org.uk by
Saturday 30th November 2024.
By completing your form on time,
you will really help us get the classes up
and running smoothly!
Obligatory meeting for the parents is
on Monday 9th December at 7.30pm
in the John Paul Centre.
Advent and Christmas 2024
Sunday 1 December – First Sunday of Advent
15.00 – Advent Carol Service
refreshments afterwards in JPC
Confessions will be heard in confessionals on
Wednesdays 19.00 – 20.00
Saturdays 08.30 – 09.20 and 17.00 – 17.20
Wednesday 11, Thursday 12, and
Friday 13 December – 19.00 – 20.30
Weekday Advent reflections with Confessions
Sunday 22 December – Fourth Sunday of Advent
15.00 – Christmas Carol Service
refreshments afterwards in JPC
Tuesday 24 December – Fourth Week of Advent
09.30 – Morning Mass
17.30 – Christmas Vigil Mass
19.30 – Christmas Vigil Mass
23.30 – Christmas carol singing
24.00 – Midnight Shepherds’ Mass
Wednesday 25 December – Christmas Day
08.30 – Mass of Christmas Morning
10.00 – Mass of Christmas Day
12.00 – Mass of Christmas Day
The church will close after the 12.00 Mass.
No evening Mass.
Wednesday 31 December
23.00 – New Year Vigil Mass
Sunday 5 January
Epiphany of the Lord will be celebrated
at Sunday Masses as usual
with the blessing of incense and chalk.
Statement from Archbishop John
Please see here the statement from
Archbishop John Wilson in response
to the vote in the House of Commons
concerning the Terminally Ill Adults
(End of Life) Bill.
Parish Youth Club
We have reopened John Paul Centre
for our Parish Youth Group, which meet
every Friday evening (term time)
from 19.00-20.30 in the John Paul II Centre.
If it would like your child to join
please, e-mail dulwichyouth@rcaos.org.uk
It is compulsory to fill the consent form
that parents must sign at the beginning
of every school year.
Youth Club Leaders
Church open for private prayer
We are happy to announce the reopening
of our church doors for personal prayer
ready for anyone with spiritual needs
to come in and pray in peace on
Saturday-Wednesday 08.30-16.00.
The sacristy will be closed during this time
and the altar area guarded off and alarmed
to ensure safety. Please refrain from
crossing the cordoned off area.
In case of emergencies,
please find the priests’ mobile numbers
on the boards in the porch.
New gift aid form online
An online Gift Aid sign-up form,
has been created which Parishioners
can use to sign up to Gift Aid
and Planned Giving within their Parish.
The link for this online Gift Aid sign-up
is here.
Once signed, a notification will be sent
to the Parish Gift Aid Coordinator,
and a copy will go to the Parish email address,
including a PDF of the donor’s declaration.
We are very grateful for your financial support.
Car park policy
Please, find below the policy
for the use of the church car park.
It can be found here.
Anyone parking on St Thomas More
Church car park agrees to the
parking policy at the same time.
Preparation for Confession
Confessions are heard in confessionals
on Wednesdays 19.00 – 20.00
and Saturdays 8.30 – 9.30
Links to Examinations of Conscience
you can find below:
Confession leaflet for adults
Confession leaflet for teens
Confession leaflet for children
Several versions of the examination of conscience
Permission to podcast / stream
the music and use of the liturgical texts
in this service obtained from
ONE LICENSE, License 738734-A.
All rights reserved.”
To find the full history
of live-streamed Masses click here.